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PDF forms - File claims for constitutional violations

According to the City of Toronto, the Canadian Human Rights Act , the Human Rights Code of Ontario
(R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19)
, and many legal experts including Constitutional Lawyer Rocco Galati,
you do NOT need to wear a mask if you have a medical exemption, and you are NOT required to prove your medical
exemption. You simply need to say to the business owner or worker, "I have a medical exemption".
NO PUBLIC BUSINESS INCLUDING PRIVATE BUSINESS can require anyone to wear a mask in their place of
business without violating the Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights. You do not need an "exemption card".
If you have been denied entry to a public business even after stating you have a medical exemption, and would like to seek remedy,
visit Tribunals Ontario to get the forms.

Forms must be downloaded, then opened with Adobe Reader (free) - forms will NOT work in a web browser.
Those filing a complaint or complaints are called "Appicants". You can apply to make a claim, either for damages
in the form of money, the amount of which you specify, or you can ask for a statement of future compliance by the business
or person, or you can suggest your own remedy. You can provide documents, photos and explanations to make your case.
Documents can be uploaded online.

PDF Form - Files claims for health privacy violations

If you have been asked to prove or state the medical condition which exempts you from wearing a mask as a requirement for entry
into a public business, you can file a health privacy complaint. This can be done in addition to the constitutional complaint above.
You can suggest your own form of resolution, IE a statement that the business will comply in the future with the Health Privacy Act.

Why should I bother?
Police raids are costing stores thousands of dollars for arbitrary non-compliance standards IE customers who don't wear masks.
Business owners currently care less about the constitution than the money they lose in fines, even though the
constitution supercedes all bylaws. If you excercise your rights by using the above mechanisms, you create a financial insentive
for businesses to follow the Constitution, and you fortify everyone else's rights.

Recommended website for Canadian law as it applies to covid:
Constitutional Rights Center
Constitutional Rights Center - Rocco Galati









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